Hi.. sorry did'nt update my blog for a long time. I was quite bz doing some works. But guess what? I pass my CEH exam. Was'nt so hard.
Hmm.. my current project?
I'm developing a new trojan, in Visual Basic. Looks almost the same as Sub7.
Hmm.. need to add some more functions.
1. Edit server - just like the Sub7
After finishing the project, i'll make it available to public :)
On the staging stage, I've tested the trojan on Puan Zaimah (Yang nak jadi hakes), hihihi
She was so terrified and almost want to cry..
I packed the tojan with a legitimate program cleaner.exe.
I was so 'kesian' to her, because, she almost want to nangis.
Only her nickname was 'ganas', but she is not 'ganas' at all.
Hmm.. my current project?
I'm developing a new trojan, in Visual Basic. Looks almost the same as Sub7.
Hmm.. need to add some more functions.
1. Edit server - just like the Sub7
After finishing the project, i'll make it available to public :)
On the staging stage, I've tested the trojan on Puan Zaimah (Yang nak jadi hakes), hihihi
She was so terrified and almost want to cry..
I packed the tojan with a legitimate program cleaner.exe.
I was so 'kesian' to her, because, she almost want to nangis.
Only her nickname was 'ganas', but she is not 'ganas' at all.
My Client trojan in action :)
en. hakes ni mmg suka menganiaya orang yg baik dan berhati mulia. OH tidak!!!!!
riak x hengat plak tuh, dan akak nak ulang sekali lg, yg akak amik xm undang2 sekali ajer ok then terus pas, bukan apa takut ko lupa... hahahaha
dan jika terjadi apa2 pada pc ku yg baru tukar ini... akak akan pki pc en. hakes dgn senang hatinya
:( Bila teringat exam undang2 tu.. sedih rasanya hatiku ini...
Takpe, kali kedua ni insya ALLAH lulus..
Eleh... mana boleh nak pakai pc sy.. ni pc hakes tau
x pedulik x pedulik...
biar akak pki pc ko... ko duduk la atas lantaii...
sila ikut arahan bos ok... hahahaha
dunia ini sungguh kejam..
saya rasa kekejaman dato' k telah menjangkiti hati dan sanubari akak..
teringat pertemuan kita mula-mula dahulu.. akak tak sekejam ni, tapi bila dato' k hadir dalam idup aka.. semuanya dah berubah...
dato itu adalah sugar dedi akak, harap maklum hahahaha